Monday, January 12, 2015

Some days, I get the best mail!

 Every year I draw a cartoon for Airbeat magazine for ALEA's  (Airbourne Law Enforcement Association) Aircrew of the Year Award. These strips chronicle the rescue an air crew has performed that earned them the award. This year the award went to the United States Park Police aircrew led by Kenneth Burchell who bravely airlifted several people to safety during the Navy Yard shootings. Sgt. Burchell sent me a lovely email thanking me for the strip and telling me how exciting it was to see himself in a comic strip portrayed as the hero. Sgt. Burchell, the honor was mine and I salute you.


As a bonus, I have posted the ALEA strip before I added the text- mainly because I was really proud of those clouds I painted in Photoshop. This was the first time I had attempted to do clouds using the paint tools in Photoshop and really liked how they came out  Eventually, however, they became obscured by the text. Comics DC reprinted this on their blog and shortly afterward Navy History Matters magazine reprinted it as well. My work is now in the annals of Navy History. Wild.

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