Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A glimpse of things to come

I am illustrating a story my brother wrote called Code Duello for District Comics, an anthology about historical DC stories. Code Duello is about naval hero Stephen Decatur and the war of words he engaged with his former mentor, James Barron. Barron had been kicked out of the Navy years before for not properly preparing his ship for battle and it was taken over by the British, (this was one of the events that served as the catalyst for the War of 1812) and Decatur had served on the jury for his tribunal. Flash forward several years later... Barron demands redress years for the derogatory things that Decatur is now saying about his naval service at parties and events around DC as Barron tries to get reinstated in the Navy. They engage in a letter war, each one becoming more insulting and indignant in their accusations and denials. Eventually Decatur is called out to the field to meet Barron. Both are wounded. Decatur is wounded mortally., shot in the abdomen. He takes the rest of the day to die at his home in DC.

The Decatur House is one of the oldest homes in DC and was the first to be built across the street from the White House. It also has a reputation for being the most haunted. The ghost of Decatur has been claimed by many to have been seen fretting at his bedroom window. Others swear say they have heard the sobbing of a woman in the Decatur house, thought to be the ghost of Decatur's wife. She never knew about the war of words and Barron's challenge to her husband. One morning her husband  slips out of bed before sunrise then returns home before noon with a mortal wound. She spent the rest of the day sobbing on the other side of the wall as Decatur, not wanting her to see him in that state, refused to let her see him before he died. His friends abided by that wish..

Anyway here is a preview of one of the panels from the story.

First up is the thumbnail of Commodore Bainbridge who officiated over the duel. I drew this before I consulted reference material for his likeness.


And now the pencils for that panel. I was able to find his offical portrait online. (God bless Google!!!)


 And now the panel with inks.

District Comics will be out in summer of 2012 from Fulcrum Press. Hope you enjoyed this preview. Stay tuned because more will come soon.

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